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The F.L.A.P. Program

FocusU Learning Associate Partner is a program directed at building a network of Facilitators across the world, who are certified to deliver the FocusU content - either virtually or face-to-face at client locations.

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About F.L.A.P.

We have been in the space of delivering learning and engagement ourselves for a little more than a decade. Over the years, while we have created great impact with the organizations that we have worked with, we realize we are limited in our reach. Our calendars are chock-a-block with workshops – yet we are limited by our own time in how much we can take on.

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How do we touch a larger number of lives with our work?

This is the question that got us started. And the constraints we realised were three:

  • Hiring raw facilitators and scaling them was time consuming
  • Good facilitators available in the market ran workshops in conventional ways.
  • There is no enabling ecosystem that brings great content and great facilitators along with pre-program communication and post-program job aids to customers.

F.L.A.P. seeks to address these constraints by:

  • Engaging with facilitators who already know the art and science of facilitation
  • Creating world class content that is gamified, storified or made experiential in a uniquely
  • FocusU way – and delivered by such facilitators.
  • Creating pre-program support & post-program job-aids to support the workshop delivery by FLAP facilitators.

We believe that every intervention that we do for a client needs to be able to move the needle in a tangible manner for participants. Else it is just a waste of time and resources for all

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What does it mean to be a F.L.A.P. facilitator?

As a F.L.A.P. facilitator, you will have the opportunity to curate world-class content – alongside the FocusU content development team – and deliver it as authentic and engaging learning workshops. While we build a learning workshop with pre-program and post-program support, we ensure that we are growing with you in the aspects you prefer.

Facilitator competencies

Through the years, we have also come to believe that a Facilitator needs to have certain  competencies to be able to deliver a good FocusU workshop. They come together in the form of a nifty little acronym called SPACE. This is what it stands for:

  • Safety: Creates a psychologically & physically safe environment for learners. This is the bedrock for any learning to happen.
  • Preparation: Every workshop demands it be prepared for, no matter how many times one may have conducted it.
  • Attunement: Ability to fine tune and adapt flows on the go, being situationally aware, being sensitive to the needs of the participants, hanging loose and displaying.
  • Conversational: The ability to build easy conversations with participants in the context of the workshop, regardless of their varied profiles.
  • Energy: Creating the right balance between high energy and intensity, depending on the context of the workshop and the participant profiles. Inspiring a spirit of “be more”.
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In addition, F.L.A.P. facilitators are expected to be compliant with the FocusU values - :
C.H.O.P.S.; as well as aligned to the unconditional promise we offer our clients:
Happy or Free

What can a F.L.A.P. associate expect?

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Absolute integrity in all our dealings.
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A long-term commitment
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Payments on time, always.
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An opportunity to grow with us
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A lot of hands-on coaching and feed-forward
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An invitation to all our in-house training sessions
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A lot of opportunities for cross-learning from different associates
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Apply for F.L.A.P.

Join the F.L.A.P. program to co-create impactful learning interventions for renowned workspaces.